We are delighted to be able to offer JOED Editions scores under licence. As we have agreed with Jon Dixon, owner of those editions, our customers are required to complete an order form, which they can then email, or post to us. On receipt of that order form, and confirmation that it is all in order, we shall await full payment (in Sterling) before despatching any music. Download this file to familiarise yourself with JOED Music's full terms and conditions. When you are ready to place an order, download the order form.

Below are links to the works of Tomás Luis de Victoria so far available from us.

  1. Hymns
  2. Magnificats, Nunc Dimittis and Litany
  3. Masses
  4. Motets
  5. Music for Holy Week and Easter
  6. Psalms and Sequences

The simplest way to get hold of JOED Editions titles is to email us your requirements. There is a considerable amount of computer work involved in salvaging Jon's computer files and producing printable material from them, and this is not always possible, with the best will in the world. We should be able to supply some of Jon Dixon's editions of music by: William Byrd, Clemens non Papa, Josquin Desprez, Francisco Guerrero, Hans Leo Hassler, Orlande de Lassus, Jean Mouton, and Robert Whyte.

In cases where this has not proved possible, we have undertaken to re-typeset the editions, but this may also not be an option.

We thank you for your understanding.