Brian is on a research trip for the next two weeks so no orders will be send out until 19 May 2024.
We apologise for any inconvenience!

latest additions

If you have any ideas for new editions, we would be delighted to hear about them!

New titles in PURPLE are Early Music Company re-issues.

Bonporti: Six motets for soprano with 2 violins and continuo

C P E Bach: Der Frühling

Caldara: Gloria in B minor, Kyrie a8 in A minor

Carisio: Qui sunt viri isti? and Salve Jesu, spes nostra

Degl'Antonii: Ricercate sopra il Violoncello (facsimile)

Cavalieri: Rappresentatione di Anima, et di Corpo

Charpentier: Sub tuum præsidium (SSmS/A, no continuo), Nativité de la Vièrge (SmS, continuo)

Fasch: Concerto in D minor (lute, strings)

Johann Gottlieb Graun: Trio Sonata in G "Sanguineus and Melancholicus"

Graupner: Sinfonia in D (with four timps!) GWV541, Sinfonia in E flat GWV560

Rovetta: Exaltabo te Domine (SATB, continuo)

A Scarlatti: Cantata pastorale ("Non sò qual più m'ingombra")

Stadlmayr: Music for Vespers – the latest volume includes four suitable hymns

Stölzel: Der Engel des Herrn lagert sich, Sie sind allzumal dienstbare Geister

Telemann: Der Satan bläset oft, Der Herr ist nahe denen

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[Page last updated 28 April 2024]