Since its modest beginnings in 2003, Prima la musica! has expanded its catalogue as more and more editors have joined our team. Going back to original source material, we produce clear editions in modern notation with carefully planned page turns of music by less well-known musicians who worked alongside "the great composers" - often of the highest standard, these works would otherwise remain unperformed, due to the limitations of early notations.

The price shown for each product is typically for a performing set. That is a master score, a set of single instrumental parts (and extra scores for singers, if it's a vocal piece). If you wish to buy a single score for study, de-select the Performing Set option.


Prima la musica!
55 Ballindean Road
United Kingdom

PHONE: +44 (0)7577 807363


Prima la musica!
is the internet presence of
Brian Clark T/A Sounds Interesting,
a sole trader business in the UK.
Printed music is VAT zero rated.